In case you missed it, billionaires worldwide put all of their money behind buying the presidency this week, and were angry and truly astounded to find that it did not work.  How could they have God and billions on their side and still lose?

Just to be clear about what really happened here, Obama won a larger margin of the U.S. popular vote than JFK, or Nixon, or Carter, or George Bush in either of his elections.

If Florida finally goes democratic, Obama will have won 332 electoral votes, and over 3 million more votes than Romney in the popular vote.

It is quite fun to watch the “conservative” pundits grovel around now, trying over and over again to make the point that this is no mandate from the people.  However, when you have spent millions upon millions to buy the vote, and you still lose by this much, I say there is some important message here.

John Nichols, a writer for Nation magazine, sees this election as a referendum on austerity and reform, and hopes that the president understands that the people fully understood the choices before them. This was a conscious choice to push back against right wing economics, and various other limitations on our freedom.

The progressive agenda is to pass legislation that benefits ALL of the people, not just the richest or most powerful among us.  We demand that secret sources of corporate and big money get out of politics, and let the people decide their own fate.

The American people are smart enough to control our own government and do not need those richer than us to tell us what we want.